PMA's links and contribs

Ada contribs (all copyleft):
Read me: README.html
Ada full git history (check details here): git_log.tgz
Makefiles: Makefiles.tgz
C libraries for Ada: c.tgz

All the following stand-alone programs need Makefiles and C libraries to generate.
Agite: GUI for GIT (like tk
cvs-tksvn), see Agite.html: agite_sa.tgz
Alook: Ada pretty printer: alook_sa.tgz
Asubst: Use regular expressions to find and substitute strings in files, see Asubst.html: asubst_sa.tgz
Als: List files matching criteria, see Als.html: als_sa.tgz
Xml_checker: Parse XML files and check versus DTD, see Xml_Checker.html: xml_checker_sa.tgz

For full sources, go to the pa
ge of All Ada contrib

You can also parse/fetch the Makefiles, C and ada sources and history in github

Other contribs:
Freecell solitaire card game in C++ over X11, see Xfreecell.html: xfreecell.tgz, also in github
Some C tools and libraries: c.tgz
French database of words and nouns, with tools to add/delete/search (with regexp): words.tgz
The famous: Pipotron
My meteo station

Photos and maps of france:GĂ©oportail
French dictionary: Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales (CNRTL)

In case of problem or suggestion please contact me.